Building on existing plug-ins and native WordPress functionality, TenTwentyFour1024 built a system for the Luxembourgian Centre Information Jeunes to manage CarteJeunes members entirely using the WordPress system they've come to know and like in the past couple of years.
The CIJ CarteJeunes plug-in extends registration forms, user-profiles as well as filters, actions, and bulk-actions on the user-list in WordPress' admin back-end. It tracks payment information, generates unique Membership IDs for several organisations across a WordPress multisite installation, and allows to create PDFs for cards conforming to the ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1 standard individually or in batches.
Each generated card sets a time-stamp on the respective user, further allowing to filter out people who already have a card, select all the remaining users, and batch-generate either cards, or even labels for postage. A cron-job checks expiry dates on memberships tracked through the plug-in and notifies administrators of that pending expiry.
The plugins functionality was extended to directly register new youth cards as well as synchronize discounts with the European Youth Card Association (EYCA) databases using the two different APIs provided for that purpose.
The youth card enables holders to profit from a variety of discounts and other advantages throughout the european union. Each local EYCA member organization coordinates the creation and communication of new special offers in their country and forwards them to the EYCA. To simplify this process, TenTwentyFour1024 augmented the existing WordPress plugin to allow creating and updating youth card discounts directly from the WordPress administration interface.
The EYCA provides their national members with a GraphQL API to create and manage the different discounts offered locally as well as a REST API for managing youth card identification codes and validity periods.
The same endpoint was used to load categories, tags and vendor data from the EYCA database ensuring hassle-free synchronization of all stored data between the ANIJ and the EYCA.
In 2019 ANIJ tasked TenTwentyFour1024 to implement a new look and feel for the CarteJeunes website.
The theme is based on a design by SO Graphiste which combines the vibrant colors of the European Youth Card brand with graffiti-style elements to grab the attention of the websites young audiences. Different user-modifiable post, page and element titles had to be split in two parts to achieve the desired graffiti-style which provided an additional challenge on the content managment side, solved with custom Gutenberg blocks.
As the website had been updated to run on the latest version of WordPress a while ago, as part of a maintenance contract, theme development was able to take full advantage of the extended page building capabilities of the Gutenberg editor introduced in late 2018.
TenTwentyFour1024 developed a set of customized blocks, pieces of content that you insert onto your WordPress post or page, for the new website. This provides our customers with a never before seen flexibility when modifying and re-structuring the content on their website without the need of extended technical knowledge.
For the same organisation, TenTwentyFour1024 built a plug-in to synchronize program entries from the European EuroDesk database through their OAuth-protected API, then list and display them directly on the national EuroDesk website,
This WordPress Importer/Visualizer plug-in imports all contents retrieved from the EuroDesk database into WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies, thus allowing to use and manipulate the data just like any other WordPress content, using it in widgets, including it in site-wide searches, etc.
In late 2020 TenTwentyFour1024 started the implementation of a design refresh for the EuroDesk website. As for CarteJeunes the design was created by SO Graphiste following the EuroDesk brand guidelines.
The design uses a mobile friendly full-width layout featuring a set of content sliders on the front-page.
The custom theme is completed with a small plugin simplifying the content management task with additional taxonomies and post meta fields.