With their recent switch from plurio.net to the new eventsinluxembourg.lu, the Agence Luxembourgeoise d’Action Culturelle (ALAC) have also created a new API. Given that TenTwentyFour1024 already had some experience synchronizing events from one source to another, some of our clients were interested in having a similar solution for their new websites.
Whereas many people still manually re-create the same events on both their own web-sites and on EventsInLuxembourg, the EILAPI-Plugin deprecates this tedious step. Create event once on your WordPress site, then let the EILAPI Plug-in take care of pushing it to EventsInLuxembourg and keeping it up to date.
While the job for the plurio.net exporter consisted of assembling a complex XML file compiling all future events, venues, tickets, that was then fetched by the plurio.net servers, this new EILAPI has a RESTful API that requires the client to make several HTTP requests, creating and updating the same events, venues and other details.
Since this is a WordPress plug-in, it’s available for your web-site as well. Please contact us if you’re tired of creating each and every event twice and would like to take advantage of the EILAPI Plug-in.